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“Suleiman (Solomon) did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved teaching men magic” (The Holy Qur’an: 2:102)

     No matter how the advanced is society and how progressive is the common mind of the human race, the ancient hunger for the unknown things to be explained by the primitive forces is still there. Modern world has no time for  the backward thinking box, but all religions and all people can not live without being vacuumed by the old believes, fears and fairy tales.


     It is enough to see how difficult was for contemporary religions to separate themselves for the frame of magic they have been born in. Yes, they all started as silent cults and during the time, they developed into the recognized beliefs.Nevertheless, that tiny element of supernatural senses mixed with the cavemen logic of existence colors each of religions we are witnessing today. The God has never managed to convince people that wizards and witches are not so dangerous as his own will.

black magic in islam

     Islam, as the youngest monotheistic religion, has escaped from the traps that have haunted another older religions. The dimension of magic, the dangerous universe of dark magic that keep religion always concerned. While the Christianity has been almost obsessed with  demons, witches and strange magic that control people and their lives, Islam has shaped clearly the place of dark magic within the religion itself. There is no place for sihr among Allah’s followers. Whoever believes in Allah and His Prophet, must be aware of the enemies that challenge the belief. They could be infidels that teach about magic or invisible jinns that confront Allah. They could be also  noble fortune tellers that reveal us the hidden secrets from our future. They could be everything but if they do not present the God’s messages and do not follow the line of Islamic faith, they must be condemned and considered as Sheitan players. The main key question is who is able to know the future except the God? Only those who make a deal with jinns and try to fool those who believe in light. In this context, it is important to understand the Prophet Muhammad thought regarding this:

     “If I had the knowledge of the unseen, I should have secured abundance for myself, and no evil would have touched me” (The Holy Qur’an:7:188).

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     Even the God’s Prophet has not been aware of the future events and even he hasn’t been gifted to see the future through the Allah’s rainbow of messages. The Creator of the unseen and unspoken things is always Allah Almighty and everyone else who is offering the same is just a  Devil’s plot and must be condemned as deceptive.

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     The Islam comes with the warning that people must make differences between miracles and magic. Miracles are always useful while magic is always harmful. All God’s Messengers have been granted with the gifts to make miracles but the opponents  accused Solomon that he wanted more than he was allowed so he practiced magic. That has never been proved because each of God’s Prophets has been performing amazing miracles. Just to remind that Moses could have divided the sea, Abraham was flung in the middle of huge fire, Jesus Christ could have healed the blind and bring back the dead to life. That was their mission but that hasn’t been magic or even dark magic. That was a God’s gift but some people that has no God’s gift try to find Devil’s gift on the menu of religions.


     The deeds of miracles are permanent while the effects of magic are only current and after some time, they turn into something we did not expect or hope for. Even the Prophet Muhammad has been exposed to the dark magic and that is why the defense from the dark magic is very seriously taken in Islam and by Muslims.


     It is recommended to all believers in Islam that they could be immune from magic if they recite after the five daily prayers the last three chapters of the Noble Qur’an: under the numbers 112, 113 and 114.  The people of Allah are also encouraged to always seek refuge within the core of the belief and to recite the verse of the Throne to be additionally protected:“Whoever recites verse 255 of the Surah of al-Baqarah (No2) before going to bed, Allah sends him a keeper that protects him against the devils until he wakes up.” The ordinary believer has some kind of mantra to follow and to keep himself or herself in the bubble against the evil forces or it just looks like that, according to Islam.


     The magic practitioners, illusionist, astrologists and other categories of so called future readers are deeply forbidden and considered as the sihr or the sign of polytheism. Their presence in the modern ages is explained by the lack of real believes and the growing of fear from the unknown . The crisis has increased the level of illusionists that try to profit on the naive population that has been moved from the circle of religious innocent deception into the aggressive and negative influence of magic or even dark magic.


     It is very thrilling to see how the Islam responds on the pressure from the rule of magic within the Islamic system. That is not something forgivable and it attracts punishment when it is detected. Sometimes, the death penalty for deceptive people of world of magic is all what Shari’ah Law could come up with or simply the best solution what we all need in the world of constant lies and evil.

Black magic

     Islam and Allah has no mercy for dark magic and that is why the prevention of dark magic influence is considered as more important than just a curing prayer. But, Islam has a set of measures to apply on the one targeted by black magic. The black magic in Islam is often understood as witchcraft or the effect of evil eye. The answer on this is riqyah, which is some form of islamic exorcism. The adequate response depends on the level of the influence of sihr. When it goes so deep, the healing therapy must be intensive and must take the elements of the  contemporary Islamic alternative medicine al-Tibb al-Nabawi or the Medicine of Prophet, and as it is stated in Holy Qur’an:“There is a remedy for every malady, and when the remedy is applied to the disease it cures it with the permission of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious.” 

     The rise of black magic followers and teachers doesn’t show us the influence of Devil but the absence of God in the people’s hearts. The difficult times unveil the real believers so their missions and dreams too. If they are tempted and they fail, the God has never really made to get them as his children. When there is a person that hold on pure logic or simply hold on the God’s light, there is no dark magic that will destroy that or cause the disorders. People can do the most beautiful things and so the worst things ever and that doesn’t come from the Gods or Devils but from our nature, so fragile to be manipulated.

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     Islam has found the right strategy against the trash of magic and has no understanding for the modern new age expression of the religion consumers.That could be radical or extreme but that is the only way that we must adopt during our journey through the life of all temptations and deceptions. The profit and bad intentions must be revealed and amputated from the religious practice so the all malign side effects will be also defeated. Black magic is just a simple answer on the people’s despair, the proof that God has no time to handle all.


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