“We can export terrorism.We can assassinate and set fires inside the territory of the United States as it did to all of us.”

Muammar al-Gaddafi

The Western world and its so called feeling for democracy and human rights is nothing but pure interventionism with the hidden geopolitical aspirations and financial interests.  It is so obvious what is behind every action in  the Middle East region that if it is not so tragic, it would be funny how that policy is perfidious and cheap in the same way. I would  like to illustrate it with the next example: I want to take the money from my neighbor but I don’t want to  steal it and being considered as a thief.So, I come to my neighbor and accuse him that he beats his wife and that I will call the police. He has some arguments with his wife but he doesn’t hurt her. I don’t care. I am the leader of the neighborhood. I am powerful. Others believe me. My word against his.  It is better to calm me down with the money I need or he   will be labeled as the bad boy and the price will be high. This is just a plastic picture of the current international relations and the dispositions of fake good and bad boys. But, the caricature is true. Unfortunately.When it comes to the Middle East zone, the situation is even worse. So many players, so many calculations and people who always suffer, at the end of the day.

While the Syrian drama doesn’t stop for years  and we are all shocked, day by day,  with the level of violence and terrorism which comes from the terrorists of ISIS, some other country in this bloody area, slowly  transfers itself into the serious terrorist haven. Libya after Gaddafi. New Libya which we simply  don’t recognize.

First of all, I would like to emphasize that Libya is not the geographically  part of the Middle East but North Africa. However, according to “Secretary of State John Foster Dulles defined the Middle East as the area lying between and including Libya on the west and Pakistan on the east, Syria and Iraq on the North and the Arabian peninsula to the south, plus the Sudan and Ethiopia.” This is very important because we need to understand where is located and which are the closest neighbor countries so we can track the possible old and new Libyan influences in the region as itself.


In 1967,Colonel  Muammar al-Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest African nations. The country was ruined, the tribes were fighting against each others, there was no any solid base to move on. But, he was a man with a vision. He believed in  Libyan Jamahiriya’s direct democracy which was something even more better than the complete western democracy. Why? First of all, this was a direct participation of citizens who were gathering into thousand committees and making decisions about domestic and foreign policy. That was something very authentic and typical for Libya and the western propaganda used to call it as “military dictatorship” but that what Libyans had under Colonel Gaddafi the ordinary Western people will never achieve in their happy countries. He also tried to make a good economical foundation and :”For over four decades, Gaddafi promoted economic democracy and used the nationalized oil wealth to sustain progressive social welfare programs for all Libyans. Under Gaddafi’s rule, Libyans enjoyed not only free health-care and free education, but also free electricity and interest-free loans” He was enabling to his citizen the most direct democracy and he was also giving them the possibilities to obtain financial security. But, he was also aware that many outside actors are playing the role in that part of the world and he was warning that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism  will be dressed into revolutionary clothes.  In an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche, he stated his opinion about the Arab Spring, Islamism and terrorism:“I am surprised that nobody understands that this is a fight against terrorism.Our security services cooperate. We have helped you a lot these past few years. So why is it that when we are in a fight against terrorism here in Libya no one helps us in return?There would be Islamic jihad in front of you, in the Mediterranean.(Osama) bin Laden’s people would come to impose ransoms on land and sea. We will go back to the time of Red Beard, of pirates, Ottomans imposing ransoms on boats.”


Unfortunately, his warning was a good excuse for US to attack Libya in bombing campaign in 2011 and push this prosperous Arabic democracy into the jaw of chaos. In October 2015, it was a four-year anniversary of shameful assassination of Colonel Gaddafi and the dark period of Libya and its proud people. The infrastructure is destroyed by Western military intervention, people are divided among those who support Islamists and those who are their opponents.  This is a failed state. Only a shadow of that old glorious Libyan Jamahiriya. All foreign diplomatic representatives left the country long time ago. On the South, ISIS founded its Libyan branch so it is a new paradise for Islamic terrorists and their headquarter for organizing training camps for jihadists. On the Northern coast, there is a crime area, where criminals are  dealing with immigrants or smuggling them. The good reason for Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia to shut down their borders with Libya and help it being more isolated and turned into no-go zone.


Since 2014, it has had two competing governments,two parliaments, two sets of rivaling claims to control over the central bank and the national oil company, no  national police or army, one based in Tripoli and the other in the east, both are trying to find supporters and to move on. As it was expected, the Islamic State misuse this lack of the right government and took control of the city of Sirte. They are planing to spread their terrorism ideology and they are establishing the training camps for jihadists  all over the Libya. Some anti-Islamists politicians have warned for years that if the International Community doesn’t help the Libyan weak institutions and army by lifting the arms embargo,  it is a big chance for Libya to become the logistic center for coordinated jihad actions against Europe.It is already happening. Not only what Colonel Gaddafi warned that the thousand of immigrants will spread the Islam across the western world but they will also spread  the danger of potential  jihadism to be planted in Europe or the US.


The main problem with the hypocritical Western world policy is that it loves dancing with the terrorism. It thinks it can control it or use it  in the international politic chess game. It is well know that the CIA first aligned itself with the growing political Islam and empowering it against the possible Soviet World domination. Then, when the credits were spent, they labeled the old allies among political Islam extremists as the global threat. Then, when the challenge in the global diplomacy and interests fluctuations orders, come back again to the islamists and give them hand, promising them help in demolishing the countries  based on so called ” American vision of dictatorship”. Islamist want Islam back to those states, American administration and powerful lobbies want more money. Then they trade with million of people’s destinies like some housewife is trading in the grocery. American policy could be assumed this way:”We dont have friends. We dont need them. We order friends. We use them. We betray them.” Yesterday they were “friends” with dictators, today they are “friends” with revolutionists and tomorrow they will coordinate with terrorists.That was the case with  the  Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt against Soviet expansion, the Sarekat Islam against Sukarno in Indonesia, and definitely the Jamaat-e-Islami terror group against Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in Pakistan.There is no stop, only to protect the interest so doesn’t matter where are the limits of political ethic or healthy diplomatic common sense. No worries about it because always will be someone else guilty. Always will be the place where they need to deliver the democracy with the bombs.


The ISIS cancer occurred in Libya too,  under the leadership of one Abdelhakim Belhadj, the same man who was described by the United States and Senator McCain as a “heroic freedom fighter” in 2011. Just two years before it, the US claimed that Libya under Colonel Gaddafi  has a perfect tactic against Islamic Terrorism and it was considered as one of the most important American allies. How it is entertaining to follow how American politicians believe now that heroic freedom fighter, Mr.  Belhadj is a big threat to the security of the States.

Beside ISIS, there is also Al-Qaeda located in Ubari with desire to monitor the whole Islamic Maghreb. We shouldn’t forget the Ansar al-Sharia in Libya (Partisans of Islamic law – Sharia) specific Salafist -jihadist, Sunni, takfiri,Qutbist militia based in Benghazi and Derna because it is the union of two brigades,the Ansar al-Sharia Brigade in Benghazi (ASB) and Ansar al-Sharia Derna (ASD). Their main goal is Shar’ah Law for the whole Libya through dawa (proselytizing), hisba (commanding right and forbidding wrong through sharia)  and jihad( armed struggle). This terrorist group doesnt believe in using of democracy for implementing the crucial Shari’ah Law  and they claim they will never give up on that requests. They do not feel admiration for ISIS projects but because they aren’t so strong, it is logical they will join to the ISIS in the future and pledge the allegiance. Their cooperation if it comes will not be perfect or ideal because the ASL follows the ideology of Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi,who separated  jihad into brutal – qital al-nikayya with a purpose to damage or kill the enemy and into peaceful jihad -qital al-tamkin, as an attempt to consolidate power without hurting others. This is the spot of difference between  ASL  on one side and Al-Qaeda and ISIS on another side. ASL follows the qital al-tamkin jihad and ISIS and AL-Qaeda follows the qital al-nikayya.


The Libyan story of painful years in civil wars and the broken spirit of people cant be expressed in one single article. This is the country which was the target for many predators. There were always Islamists who wanted to disturb its peace and to roll on for their own “sold or bought plans” and also there were the western world snakes which didnt want to give up on petrol dollars so easy. The bone is threw away, Libya is now alone.Left on the wind storm, without any help. The proud Libyan Jamahiriya then and now the ruined but enhanced  terrorism womb. Who to believe to? Who to look up for a help? They are all same. Wolves who hunt and haunt.

If we stand up for Libya, maybe it  has a chance to be cured and saved or forever lost in the darkness if we stay silent.


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