

  SALEM – MASSACCUSETS: HALLOWEEN TOURISM AND MAGIC ALL YEAR LONG FOLLOWING THE TRACES OF THE WITCH CITY “We are the granddaughters of the witches you weren’t able to burn.” -Anonymous        The October is month of golden autumn that gives the nature the most fascinating colors. It is also known as a month of pumpkin pie, apple punch and Halloween.  There is no way to forget the beauty of the tenth month, because it is a full of small wanders that keep us excited all year long. The dreams and the reality cross each other while we smell the chestnuts roasting on an open fire and finding ourselves lost in the whole new world.      However, there are places and people that enjoy the timeless magic, almost as if they have borrowed the Hogwarts rhythm of life. Witchcraft and wizardry, the small secrets and the big legends.  The ordinary people and extraordinary powers. You can get into the other dimension and you can still be the part o...


  FOIE GRAS : ANIMAL CRUELTY AND FRENCH SICK GASTRONOMY WHERE IS A MERCY FOR DUCKS AND GEESE? “Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals.” ―  Theodor W. Adorno        Every new day on this Planet shows us all the ignorance of humankind, all over again. The endless egoism and the deep corruption of the human souls have created the chaos on the Earth, destroyed the beautiful wildlife and endangered the ecosystem. The circle of life seems to be an exclusive right only for greedy people but not for other Earthlings, especially not for innocent animals. I believe that all evil deeds what we have done as a human race to all fellows is something that won’t be forgotten and forgiven for eternity. We have shown that homo sapiens was the best joke ever and we keep confirming the theory that human beings are the worst parasites that have ever existed.      The animal cruelty and animal abuse are th...


  THE DAMNED LION’S BLOOD LINE: CANNED HUNTING      SHOULD WE HOPE THAT THIS CRUEL AFRICAN BUSINESS WILL BE ENDED SOON? MAJESTIC LIONS WHICH ARE BORN TO BE KILLED “Lion farms generate further income from tourists and volunteers by offering lion cub petting, photographing and walking, all of which are meant drain every last dollar out a lion until it is ready to be shot.” -Matthew Payne      Animals can not speak, they are voiceless. They suffer in silence, far away from our eccentric demands and maniac pleasures. Human beings think they do own the whole planet and that they can do what they want, not only to the nature but to the whole wildlife. We pollute beautiful rain forests, we kidnap the resources what belongs to all creatures, we rape this Earth with no mercy and then we dare to preach about human rights, democracy and advanced society. We are nothing more than unleashed beasts and as the time passes, we are worse.      Our s...


  THE WOLF’S CODE:ALMOST GONE WHY THE WOLVES ARE ENDANGERED NOW MORE THAN THEY HAVE BEEN EVER BEFORE ? “There is no justice, in this country, where men steal from the Earth, on a paper with pen.” -The Wolf      One name for all of them, united in pack, hidden in dark wood or killed by rifle of the men. The wolf. The most amazing wild animal, enough mysterious to inspire so many legends, sometimes cruel to keep people on distance and very often endangered and sent to the edge of existence. There where is a man, there is no any justice for the knights of the forest, for the wolves.      The wise Native Americans have been always deeply connected with the wolves and they have considered the spirit of the wolf as important in community :”Wolves figure prominently in the mythology of nearly every Native American tribe. In most Native cultures, Wolf is considered a medicine being associated with courage, strength, loyalty, and success at hunting. Like b...