THE QUR’AN ON THE CIVILIZATION CROSSWORD:BEHIND THE SECRET EVERY RELIGION IS A WEAPON FOR OR AGAINST SOMETHING: WHICH QUR’AN WILL BRING A FINAL PEACE TO THE MUSLIM PEOPLE ? MECCA OR MEDINA? “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ― Voltaire The hardest task on the world is not talking about the times without faith in God but about the times when faith in God brings demons on the ground. Then, instead of peace and understanding, people are dealing with war and deep hatred, with no reasons. Religion, as I see it personally, should be another excuse for love for each others and not the cover for divisions and fire against each others. In the last 20 years, the Islam as a religion by itself, has become the most controversial term in global relations because it has gravitated from the field of belief to the abused political ideology.I am not referring here only to the facts that some extreme groups took Isl...