

  HOTEL CALIFORNIA: WHERE WE LOST OURSELVES? THE LACK OF HUMANITY AND COMMON SENSE      I don’t know if this article is to be started or ended with the fact that we are lost as a human race. The numerous situations proved that very few are humans while majority is just a flock of sheep that is leaded into the chaos. This is not about the current and ongoing crisis happening in Ukraine but also about the worldwide lunacy and madness that follow it.      Somewhere, it has been written that small wars are being born in the souls of unhappy people and if nothing has been done, they are developing themselves into the local, national and international conflicts with no end. We are witnessing now that greed of world is bigger than ever and it is conquering the common sense, emotions, compassion and everything what is normal. In other words, the twisted minds of all war sides are turning us into the position to think about potential nuclear war and life after, if any is there.      How we reac

Fortaleza Canyon in Serra Geral National Park, Brazil.

  Fortaleza Canyon in Serra Geral National Park, Brazil      Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina are  Brazilian  states located in the southernmost part of the country. Serra Geral National Park is in two sections, with a portion in each state, and with  Aparados da Serra National Park  and its spectacular  Itaimbezinho Canyon  sandwiched in between. In this region, the landscape ranges from high plateaus to sheer cliffs to canyon floors, and much of it is within the lush  Atlantic Forest  biome. Our image features a magisterial view across  Fortaleza Canyon . All-terrain vehicles or sturdy hiking boots are advised if you want to get to this vantage point, but it looks to be well worth the journey


  AISHA QANDISHA : THE JINN OF THE RIVERS. THE OPENER IN THE MOROCCAN FOLKLORE      I must admit that I enjoy yo read about Islamic mythology and to follow the urban legends in many of those countries with Muslim background. It is always something mystical and enigmatic, far away from typical contemplation what we use to have in western civilization.      The recent fascination with mythological roots lead me to beautiful Morocco and it’s rich tradition. From the colorful markets, old streets, majestic oriental architecture to the thrilling culture of Islamic rise and fairy tale hidden in the local folklore. Somehow, blue Morocco, managed to make a perfect mixture of Islamic religion, old tradition, folk belief in supernatural forces and modern perspective on life. What would you like to have it more ? You do need nothing because you have the story about Aicha Kandisha, the remarkable water jinn lady that is keeping men under fear and respect.      How is that possible and what we do k


  WOLVES AND RAVENS: ODD TEAM OF THE NATURE AMAZING SYMBIOSIS OF WILDLIFE “Did you know that since wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone, the elk herds are healthier because they have to move. The grasses are growing because the herds are digging up the ground as they move. Did you know that the coyote population has balanced out and from one wolf pack kill many animals benefit. Did you know that only 1 out of 5 to 7 wolf pack hunts for food are successful. Ask any raven, they will tell you true. “ -John Frushell, Mohawk      The wolves and ravens are both majestic animals with some kind of strength power and intense character, almost like challenging spirituality. If you think about wolves, you cant be indifferent. You either love them or hate them. The same is with ravens. Those birds are specific, authentic and remarkable. Some people feel uncomfortable when there are lot of ravens while other celebrate them as very intelligent and provoking creatures. If you go back to the paga


  THE LAST SCREAM OF MOBY DICK AND FLIPPER IN THE FAROES THE BRUTAL SLAUGHTERING OF WHALES AND DOLPHINS      IN THE DANISH OWNED FAROE ISLANDS – TRADITION FULL OF BLOOD AND SHAME   “I have been honored to serve the whales, dolphins, seals – and all the other creatures on this Earth. Their beauty, intelligence, strength, and spirit have inspired me” ~Paul Watson        The beauty of this Earth is not only visible through the breathtaking natural scenery but also through the rich wildlife. Wherever we look at, however we look at, our blue Planet is shining  with radiant energy of all living creatures and it gives a special joy to each of us who respects the Mother Nature and all Her children.      From the highest mountains to the most hidden caves, from the loneliest eagle in the sky to the most dangerous shark in the ocean depth, this wildlife diversity never stop surprising  us and giving us the reason to fight more for preservation and conservation.      The Marine biology has been a